
Who Are We? We Are Muddy Pups!

Hi I'm KC, founder and CEO. I'm glad you're here.

When you were younger did you have a family animal? I wanted one so badly, I would beg and BEG for a dog from my parents; catch me on the right day, I may have even promised my first born child. My mother worked full time to support our family and her excuse was that she was allergic and also she didn’t need another mouth to feed, my dad was supportive but wouldn’t supersede my mother’s word on that. I would later find out that they had their own fears of becoming the grandparent’s that stepped up, if you know you know. Needless to say, I grew up without a dog. Me and my younger brother dreamed and longed for the day we’d get a dog, we’d take him to the park, we’d train him to do all types of tricks like roll over, high five, speak, play dead and plenty more. We were spoiled kids so we knew that a no then didn’t mean no for forever, and so we did what most well mannered kids do… we sat and we waited. We waited for what felt like our entire childhood, and that's exactly how long it took.

When I was 17, I got my first job as a server at Applebee’s. I absolutely hated it but I enjoyed making my own money. Around this time my parents were separating and we were moving into our first house. We had lived in apartments up until this point which was another reason my parents weren’t the biggest fans of dog ownership. Right before we moved in I saved up $3000, and at 18 I was on top of the world in my eyes! I started doing my research to find the perfect dog to bring home now that I could do it myself. I myself also suffered from pet dander related allergies so it was imperative that I found a dog that would fit my needs. I ended up buying a little black Goldendoodle and thus my journey as a dog dad began.

I quickly realized that dog ownership isn’t always as simple as teaching your pup to sit. It surely isn’t always as simple as “NO! Don't do that”. It was a commitment to a never ending project that would leave you feeling defeated 88% of the time but that 12% is what you do it for, nothing beats succeeding with your animal. I found I was doing this job all by myself however, which made things a hell of a lot more complicated. I was working upwards of 40+ hours a week and appreciated any support that I could get; that support would be few and far between. I’d be cleaning up a lot more dog poop before I’d see the day any sign of help was on the way. That leads us to today. I founded Muddy Pups to support animal parents all over the country with resources I wish I had while raising my Pup. We are small but we are dedicated to our mission, and with your time and business we’ll give you a simple promise that, even on the hardest days we’ll be there to help you keep your pup out the Mud.